Our Program

Early Preschool: 2-3 years old

Children at this age are constantly making new discoveries about the world around them. Our Early Preschool program provides a safe and nurturing environment where children can creatively explore their curiosities, while having all of their individualized needs met. Our Early Preschool children are provided with various interactive and exploratory activities, guiding children’s sensory-motor, cognitive, and social growth and development, while laying a strong foundation for success in their early education experience.

Preschool: 3 to 4 years old

With a growing understanding of the world, children begin to build self-confidence and competence at this age. Active socialization patterns can be seen throughout their day, signifying their readiness for more structured learning. Along with various creative project-learning opportunities, which are inspired by the Reggio Emilia learning approach, our Preschool program offers structured, hands-on learning activities to foster children’s confidence in early literacy, math, science, and cultural diversity. Our Preschool curriculum incorporates our own Stepping Stones Phonics and Stepping Stones Math curriculum, which have been specifically designed to meet the individualized needs of each child.

Pre-Kindergarten: 4 to 5 years old

Pre-Kindergarteners display a rapid growth in their cognitive and social skills as they prepare for higher learning. Building onto their experiences in Early Preschool and Preschool, our Pre-Kindergarteners begin to show competence in early literacy and math concepts. Our Stepping Stones Phonics and Math curriculum are refined to accommodate the learning abilities of our Pre-Kindergarten children. Whole-group and small group learning opportunities are thoughtfully intertwined into our Pre-Kindergarten program, cultivating cooperative learning skills which will become valuable in their continuous years of learning. Various imaginative and unique learning activities foster their continuous growth in their creative development.