With just fifteen children and three teachers, Stepping Stones Preschool was founded on February 1st, 1992. Our main goal was to provide a high quality education to the children in the City of La Palma and the surrounding areas. Stepping Stones initially implemented the Montessori curriculum before transitioning and adopting the Reggio Emilia Approach in 2003. Focusing on the social-emotional and creative development of a child’s “100 languages”, Stepping Stones will continue to remain committed to creating a learning environment that inspires and challenges our young learners.

Stepping Stones Children’s Center in Fullerton, CA opened on the first of March in 2013, just one month after the 21st anniversary of our school’s history. The seven-year long process of building our new campus began with the purchase of a small horse ranch on the corner of Harbor and Hermosa. Now, on this same corner, there stands a beautiful campus that we are proud to call home. Through the years, Stepping Stones has undergone so many changes with our curriculum and campuses, but the foundation of our school remains unchanged. We will always seek to provide love and care for our young children, so that they can learn and thrive in a dynamic learning environment.

Our Story